Migration and Development

The Italian Cooperation’s migration and development strategy in Egypt aims primarily at engaging diasporas in local development initiatives, protecting and socioeconomic empowerment of migrants, and addressing the root and structural causes of irregular migration.

A new program, titled “PLAY – Positive Living Alternatives for Egyptian Youth,” also entrusted to IOM, is being launched and aims to promote job opportunities in the tourism sector for young Egyptians and raise awareness regarding the risks of irregular migration. Specifically, the intervention will strengthen the capacities of national authorities in terms of human development policy-making in tourism while implementing actions to maximize the potential of existing vocational education and training institutions in this sector. An analysis of the profile of Egyptian youth at risk of irregular migration will be conducted to assess existing skills, knowledge and competencies. Based on the mapping results, a holistic intervention aimed at improving value chains with high job creation potential will be designed, for which Egyptian youth will be trained on specific skills.