Social Development

Combating the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Small Industries and on the Streets and Contributing to the Implementation of the National Action Plan in Egypt – AID 12517

Total Funding:  € 1.500.000
Place of Intervention: Egypt
Description: The initiative aims to help to implement the National Action Plan (NAP), launched by the Egyptian government in July 2018, and targets children working in small industries, workshops, and on the roads. The initiative has four main components converging in supporting all stakeholders within the project's framework to counter child labour, especially in small industries and roads.
Implementing Partner: International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Local Partner: Ministry of Social Solidarity (MoSS) and Ministry of Labour (MoL)
Duration: 24 months.
SDGs: SDG 8, SDG 10, SDG 4, SDG 16

Strengthening the alternative care system for children without parental care in Egypt – AID 12518

Total Funding: € 1.500.000
Place of Intervention: Egypt
Description: The overall goal of the project is to improve access and quality of child protection services for children at risk and children who have experienced violence, particularly those without parental care. Project interventions are designed on three main levels: Legal/policy framework, institutional capacity and service infrastructure.
The support to the mentioned levels aims at establishing fully functional alternative care services, including specialised rehabilitation and reintegration services for children without parental care, resulting in a stronger child protection system.
Implementing Partner: UNICEF
Local Partner: Ministry of Social Solidarity (MoSS)
Duration: 36 months.
SDGs: SDG 10, SDG 16, SDG 5