Enhance the nursing sector in three governorates in Egypt (Port Said II) – AID 11816
Total Funding: € 3.579.508,45
Place of Intervention: Egypt (Governorates of Port Said, Ismailia, Sharm El Sheikh and Luxor)
Description: The project originally aimed to improve the quality of care in health services in three governorates. During the implementation a fourth governorate was added. Activities were therefore carried out in Port Said, Ismailia Sharm El Sheikh and Luxor to strengthen the nursing institutes and schools through the training of trainers, continuing education and the provision of technical equipment. The Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population has requested the Italian support for a III phase of intervention, which has been planned for, approved and is going to start in 2024.
Implementing Partner: University of Sassari (UNISS)
Local Partner: Ministry of Health and Population
Duration: 24 months

Water knowledge: Egyptian-Italian water training programme – AID 11808
Total Funding: € 2.268.838
Place of Intervention: Egypt and Regional Countries.
Description: The initiative aims to improve specific and professional knowledge and a shared vision on water as a valuable contribution to improve an integrated water management approach at an institutional and regional level through the development of institutional capacities, infrastructural intervention, the strengthening of the network and the improvement of the quality of trainings
Implementing Partner: CIHEAM Bari
Local Partner: Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation
Duration: 24 months
SDGs: SDG 6, SDG 4, SDG 17