
In addition to implementing initiatives under direct management with the support of several program management units created ad-hoc, AICS Cairo also relies on a very extensive network of local, international and civil society partners for the implementation of initiatives funded by the Italian Cooperation.

Among them, the Egyptian ministries involved in project initiatives certainly represent privileged interlocutors, such as the Ministry of International Cooperation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Reclamation, the Ministry of Irrigation, the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Health and Population . Local institutions implementing or involved in initiatives funded by Italian Cooperation also include the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency (MSMEDA), the National Council for Women, and the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood.
In the realm of civil society, relevant partners of AICS in Cairo are Italian NGOs, including COSPE, CISS, MAIS, Save The Children, and AISPO. In addition, local civil society organisations are also involved in the implementation of several multilateral and funded initiatives under the Debt Swap Program, such as Hope Village Society, Alex Workshop Center, and New Horizon Association for Social Development.
Also relevant is the input, on initiatives pertaining to the multilateral channel, of international bodies and agencies of the United Nations. Among these, CIHEAM, UNDP, UNIDO, FAO, UNFPA, UNESCO, ILO and IOM deserve to be mentioned. Partnerships with research institutions such as the University of Sassari and those with the EU Delegation in Egypt, for what concerns the delegated cooperation, are gaining more and more importance. Partnerships with leading private entities such as the ENI Group and the Sawiris Foundation have also recently been launched.

Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo, UNESCO