Profile and Objectives

AICS – the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – is one of key innovations established by the Italian law on international cooperation (Law No. 125/2014). The Agency headquarters are in Rome. AICS runs another base in Florence and 20 field offices worldwide for assessing local needs, implementing development initiatives, monitoring results and building partnerships on the ground. According to the law, the Agency’s mission is to “perform technical and operational activities associated with the examination, development, financing, management and control of the development cooperation initiatives”.

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – AICS in Cairo, began in 2016 to operate as the platform of the Italian Cooperation, which has already approximately forty years of activity in Egypt, promoting since 1982 projects that help foster sustainable socio-economic development in the country.

The work of the Italian Cooperation in Egypt is currently divided into eight areas of intervention that include: (i) rural development, in which Italy stands out for a long and appreciated action, including with a view to food security and the creation of sustainable and inclusive supply chains; (ii) support for the development of the private sector, with particular reference to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and the promotion of employment opportunities, especially for young people; (iii) a focus on the social dimension, particularly in support of the most vulnerable population groups such as minor children and people with disabilities; (iv) combating all forms of gender-based violence and supporting the socio-economic empowerment of women and girls; (v) migration and development interventions, such as the involvement of the Egyptian diaspora in local development initiatives, the protection and integration of the migrant population, and the prevention of irregular migration; (vi) human resource development through education and technical and vocational training; (vii) environmental protection; and (viii) the enhancement of Egypt's cultural and archaeological heritage.