calls for proposals for development cooperation initiatives

This page lists notices of forthcoming call for proposal issued by the AICS field office in Cairo for the implementation of development projects to be implemented by the civil society organization or no profit entities through the concession of Italian cooperation funds. Such opportunities are published exclusively for information purposes, and the Agency has no direct relationship with suppliers, who should refer only to the contracting authorities.

Call for ProposalEU-ZIRA3A- Enhancing integrated governance to improve performance of the Egyptian plant quarantine system and pesticides monitoring as well as developing and adopting a digital archiving systemAdditional Clarification issued by Contracting Authority
Postponed Deadline and New Info Session Clarification issued by Contracting Authority
Guidelines for grant applicants
Annex A Grant Application Form
Annex B Budget
Annex C Logical framework
Annex D Legal entity form
Annex E Financial identification form
Annex F PADOR registration form
Annex G Standard grant contract
Appendix G.I Derogations international organisations
Annex G.II General conditions
Annex G.IV Contract award rules
Annex G.V Standard request for payment
Annex G.VI.1 Model interim narrative report
Annex G.VI.2 Model final narrative report
AnnexG.VI.3 Model financial report
Annex G.VII Model report of factual findings
Annex G.VIII Model financial guarantee
Annex G.IX Standard template transfer of ownership
Annex H Declaration on Honour
Annex I Daily allowance rates per diem
Annex J Information tax regime grant contracts
Annex K Guidelines for assessing simplified cost options
Annex L Self evaluation questionnaire on SEA-H
Annex M EU-ZIRA3A Tax exemption approval
Call for ProposalMEPEP - Code n. T05-EUTE-NoA-EG-01-06 (T05.225)Call for applicants "Multi-Eductional Programme for Employment Promotion in Migration-Affected Areas”
MEPEP CfP TVET Provider - Informative Session Presentation
MEPEP CfP TVET Provider - Informative Session Clarifications
MEPEP CfP TVET Provider - Questions & Answers
Full Application Info-session