Cairo- On October 15th, as part of the Cairo Water Week, the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resource and Irrigation (MWRI) meets the Italian Ambassador in Cairo H.E. Gianpaolo Cantini, the head of the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS), and a delegation from CIHEAM-BAri and Hydroaid.
During the meeting the ministry confirmed his cooperation and support to the Italian cooperation in Cairo and endorsed with enthusiasm the new formulation of two projects. The first one entitled "Water Knowledge" aims to contribute to foster a sustainable management and common shared vision of water resources use in Egypt and in the region. The Specific Objective is to enhance the managerial and technical skills of water operators in Egypt and in the region.
The results are as follows:
R.1 The physical and technical infrastructure and equipment of the RTSWRI is enhanced to host an innovative water training services hub in the region;
R.2 The RTSWRI Training system quality in the water field is improved respectively in terms of teaching methodologies and managerial skills for trainers and knowledge/leadership acquisition for trainees (operators from national and regional ministries and new national employees
This initiative will be implemented by CIHEAM-Bari and Hydroaid in close collaboration with the Regional Training Sector for water Resources and Irrigation (RTSWRI) and the National Water Research Center (NWRC).
The second one called "integrated local Development in South Sinai” has a water management component that aims to support the management, in sustainable way, the scarce water resources of the area. The project will select one wadi subject to flash flood to be developed through the following activities:
- Harvesting flash rain water floods;
- Improve and maximize the use of the natural resources (Water and soil);
- Create job opportunities and generate income to the vulnerable Bedouin;
- Protect the infrastructure and the properties of the Bedouin from the flash flood damages;
- Conserve the environment
The implementing partner is the National Water Research Center.